Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Little Life Lessons

One time…. I met a boy and fell madly in love with him. But the universe said to me that the time just wasn’t right for us. The universe is pulling us apart even though we don’t want to be. I have been in a mopey kind of mood ever since. I am lovesick. All of those plays and sonnets of Shakespeare that I read in high school completely make sense to me now. I am physically drained, mentally drained, and emotionally drained. I cannot eat or sleep. Every song on the radio now holds new meaning for me.

I am still going to work every day, still going to the gym, and still going to dance class. I do this to try to maintain a sense of normalcy in my life. My body feels worked out! Maybe I will have abs by the end of this ordeal. Herbelicious keeps bitching at me that if I do get abs (from being love sick and not eating) that he will never speak to me again! NAILS!

As much as I will miss this amazing boy after he leaves on Saturday, I have learned so much from him and this experience: little life lessons. For that I am eternally grateful to have met him. I know that I am extremely lucky. I  Always have been lucky, and feel that I always will be lucky.

I know that this blog is supposed to be about me being outNabout in New York. I just haven’t really been in an outNabout type of mood lately. Instead, I want to share some of the life lessons that I have learned from this amazing person. I think we can all use them to make ourselves better people. Some of them make me laugh and some of them make me cry. Take them as you wish. Use them.

1. Make everyone you meet feel as if they are the only one in the world that matters. Make it seem like the whole world has gone away when they are with you. Even when you are with a group of people. Make everyone in the group feel this way.

2. When asked to do something, always say “why not?”. When you say why not, you are not saying no, but rather opening up yourself to try new experiences.

3. Always speak the truth.

4. Do not be afraid to explore—ALONE. Don’t limit yourself from experiencing things and visiting places simply because you have no one to go there with. Besides, you just might make a new friend-- maybe even meet the nicest person you have met in the last 20 years of your life!

5. Make sure to always save your quarters (so that you can do your laundry).

6. Be like “Moving Rubber”—Strong enough to hold things, but flexible enough to be open minded to new things.

7. If you are not going to cook, or can’t cook, then make sure you really enjoy eating out! Eat good food.  Take pictures!

8. Know your priorities and obligations. Make appointments. Make sure you keep them. Even if it seems like your obligations might hurt someone, just tell them. They will understand, and respect you more in the end.

9. Always share your million-dollar smile! It will get people to smile their million dollar smiles back.

10. Listen to the music of Jason Mraz. His music is deep but very uplifting. Even his sad songs sound happy.

11. Don’t scare your friends while they are in the shower. Think about it, they are naked--they feel most vulnerable.

12. If you wake up late and find that you are still on time for work, know that you can now sleep in every day and still be on time!

13. Don’t be afraid to drink wine out of a plastic kiddie cup.

14. Drink Matcha Green tea. It will give you energy!

15. Don't be afraid to tell someone that you have been thinking about them. It will make their day.

16.  Hickey's on your neck are not necessarily trashy... they show the rest of the world that someone loves you.

17. Don’t be afraid to fall in love, let yourself go, and emotionally connect with someone, even if you know it will only be for a short time. The highest vibration in the universe is love; don’t deny it. Just enjoy yourself even if it’s only for a moment.

18.  Laugh A lot.  At everything!

Goodbye doesn't mean anything.  It's the time that we spent together that matters most, NOT how we left it.

I'm going to miss you.  And when you feel alone, just remember that someone in the world loves you--ME!

For Real! Seriously!


Touch Of Aloha said...

First off: (((((((Big hugs)))))))) This person you write about is so blessed to have someone who absolutely cares about him. We need more people who care than those who don't. I want to say, I hope you bounce back to yourself soon, but I rather you take your time day by day, because it's through that time where you really find clarity and in time your heart will heal.

I 'used to' journal and at the end of the year I made a list of things I've learned in that year. Seeing your list reminded me of them. I no longer journal thanks to being a blogoholic ;) I laugh at #5 - instead we pay for a water bill/electric bill to wash those clothes lol & #7--my moto is, when you go out, try something you'll never make at home ;)

Take care my friend and enjoy the change in season...spring will be here soon!

The Herbster said...

I have been a firsthand witness of this stage/metamorphosis of your life. I admire you resilience and your strength and wiliness to dive into the sea of love, when so many would not even dare dip their toe to test the waters! As I said to you many a time, it's best to experience a minute of love than a lifetime without it. Keep doing what you’re doing and know that I am here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear or simply someone that can keep you company without the need to say or do anything. I admire you and am proud of being your friend and for you openness’s to share this with me and the rest of us. You have given me strength to not give up on love! Luv ya Billy Boi!

Anonymous said...

Billy I loved the entire list but for some reason I cannot get the fact that you are still using "nails!" It is so hilarious. One thing I want to add to your list is: Try to find the positive in everything, you'll feel always feel a little bit better.

I'm sorry ur not feeling in an outnabout mood so this weekend I will try to go outnabout for you and then post it up :) Not much here tho... maybe i'll go to beachnabouthawaii :)

And Herbster.... I'm here with ya... if Billy gets abs.. well... never mind! I just want abs too!!!! (girly abs tho).


Anonymous said...

William; can I add that I've been through this? I even chased that season around the world! Worlds away, broken hearts later, lonesomeness at midway in paris, new york, biarritz, SF, Mumbai... as you study your connection, perhaps I can chime in with some wise-lady-advice too? The connection is only yours; you can only share what people are willing to take. --or was that more self-absorbed-advice? ;)I meant, that deep impressions will affect you deeply. Still Obscure? I really meant that only your experience is meaningless. and as a sentient, you must fashion your meaning from it. Humanity is our shared sentience.* it was all a great time and experience for me as it happened. I grasped the courage to build a home and embrace homesickness,** to risk trying something new: seeing, being, feeling, breathing a new world... life in a new place. et presto! it worked. It captured its own life! I became human, and so, I can't offer you my shoulder as I wont be around. And I kick myself for not see you metamorphosing! but I enjoy seasons when they've gone. The next is always oh so delicious!
bye bye-



Anonymous said...

just read your blog and I have some serious chills going on. Some of the quotes you blogged made really think that sometimes I do feel like I am limiting myself to experinces because I'm always waiting on it to be perfect...when really there will never be a "perfect". Just go and do, live and let go. I feel like sometimes I am being more cautious than curious. And while it's ok to be cautious...if I could be a little more curious I might get more out of life :) Anyhoo.....enjoyed reading your blog and I'm sorry that you had to say goodbye to the person you fell in love with...that's hard. At least you both walked away taking something from the relationship that will forever be with you. I know you are destined to be with him.....just make sure I get an invitation to the wedding....OK.... PLEASE LOL :)
