Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pampering for FREE!

For those of you (like me) who watch Tabatha Coffey’s Salon Take Over on Bravo TV, some of us can only dream of having our hair cut & styled in one of NYC’s upscale Salons. But, I’m here to tell you there is a way to get pampered in one of these salons and all for FREE!

Many salons have apprentice programs where in order for someone to become a stylist; they must learn the technique and cutting style of the salon. This does not mean that the apprentices are not accomplished stylist already, but rather that they have to prove to the salon that they can cut using the technique and the style that the salon has become noted for. One such salon with the apprentice program is Bumble and Bumble—the celebrity and Fashion favorite in New York City. My friends Ivan and Johnny are both accomplished stylist at salons in California and Hawaii, but are now in the apprentice programs at Bumble and Bumble here in New York. They assist one of the many top stylists at the salon, washing, and blow drying, and observing the technique. On Mondays, they have Hair Clinic in which they must supply their own hair models, and show the salon that they are fast becoming masters of the techniques they are there to learn. So where do they find Hair models? By offering free invitations to the salon on the streets of NYC! Or on Craigslist (Though the salon discourages using Craigslist as the apprentices really may not see whose hair they are cutting until the actual appointment).

I recently had an opportunity to visit Ivan at Bumble and Bumble on 13th street (between 8th and 9th Avenues). You would not even know a salon was there. It is on the 8th floor. And for those of you who wonder if Tabatha Coffey’s way of running a business works, it definitely does, as Bumble and Bumble has already been following the same formula (that Tabatha has been using on her show) for almost 31 years!

As you walk in, you will see a major difference as compared to one of the faux Jean Louise David chains found all over NYC. This is really a Salon. You are greeted by the receptionist who offers you a beverage from the salon cafe, and invited to enjoy the seating area, or browse the products in the show room as she informs the stylist you are here.

The views of the city from the salon are spectacular, not what you would have expected from only the 8th floor. And the lobby offers comfortable seating. In one corner, there are even 2 private seats where you can enjoy a book or drink in tranquility as you await your appointment.

When your stylist is ready, you will be led down the grand staircase above which hangs the sign “IS MY HAIR OK?” and down to the changing area (in case you need to change your clothes for instances such as coloring).

From there you are either taken to the wash area for a shampoo and condition, Salon beautifully lit and lined with mirrors where the stylist will cut and style your hair, or to the coloring room which looks like something you would find out of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

I didn’t really need a haircut, but rather a trim and Ivan did a great job. Ivan and Johnny constantly need models for different types of haircuts and styles. If you don’t mind trying a new style, or getting pampered, have a free Monday, email me your info at and let me know so that I can let one of them know, or, you can search the ads on Craigslist... and remember... it's all for FREE!
Learn Spanish! Ivan es una diva estilista!
Ivan is a diva sylist!


The Herbster said...

Fierce! I can't wait till IVAN - invites me over for a new look! - hint, hint, hint!!! :)

BriGuy said...

This sounds pretty awesome! We could all use some pampering from time to time! Lord knows I could use some right now.

Anonymous said...

Me! Me! Me!