Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Beginning- Sunset Yoga

So this is the beginning for me- the first blog entry. I'm not a writer and I don't really care about grammar and punctuation as long as you don't. Here Goes!
If you haven't been to a sunset yoga class on a rooftop overlooking New York city, hurry and sign up ( as there are only a handful of classes left before it gets too cold and too dark to do yoga outside on the rooftop at sunset. It's an AMAZING experience and for only about $10! I lost 35 lbs in the last 3 months, partially from breaking up with my bf of 4 years (the break up diet), and partially from eating better and trying to work out, but especially from going to yoga class weekly.
I had always wanted to try a yoga class (maybe fueled by fantasies of auto-falletio- ha!) but could never afford the trendy prices that New Yorkers pay to take class along side famous celebraties (like Parker Posey-I LOVE her) of sometimes $30 a class. So when 3 months ago I found out that a former coworker and friend of mine was teaching a class of Vinyasa Flow on her roof for only $10 an hour, I jumped on it.
The first class was so amazing. The class was non-threatening, and you didn't have to have special clothes or anything like that, just the desire to push your limits. The sunset over NYC was orange that evening, and I quickly fell into a deep breathing pattern where thoughts flowed freely in and out of my head. I even got emotional and cried a little- all part of the normal release of stress. At the end of that first class, I lay on my back fully relaxed, my muscles worked out, my mind wandering, and staring straight up at a full moon. It was beautiful. And when the sound of the Tibetan Singing Bell rang in my ears, I was so full of happiness I couldn't help but to laugh. I have been hooked ever since, going every Wednesday. I have all of my friends hooked and coming with me as well.
Tonight was one of those amazing sunset nights again. The sky was pink when we started and there was a slight chill in the breeze. As the class went on, thoughts flowed in and out of my head about the songs playing in the background, the way my body was toning up, and even some of the emotional issues of the past week. In the distance, you could see lightening flashing across the sky, too far off to affect us, but close enough to leave me in awe. How often have you watched a storm roll in? It ended with a view of twinkling stars (yes you can see stars in the shadow of New York City's lights) and a crescent moon.
My body aches right now, a good ache, that same ache you get from a good workout at the gym. I'm going to sleep well tonight. In October, the class will continue on in an indoor studio and I will be there. I invite anyone looking to make new friends, get a good workout, and learn a lot about yourself by learning to let go, to join me in my weekly yoga session.


Anonymous said...

MIRA William!

I just wanted to be the first to congratulate you on all the possitve progress you have made in the last few months! You have come a long way baby!

For those of you who haven't tried out Rooftop Yoga - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? - Thanks to William, I was able to go and aside from experiencing the benefits of relaxation and a tremendous body work out - I was able to tap into some pent up emotions that I needed to release and allow to flow away from me. I HIGHLY recomend it for the begginer and the pro or anyone in the middle. Just try it what do you have to lose?

Lastly, I want to publically say that William has not only brought a great deal of joy and a great deal of knowledge of BROADWAY into my life, but most importantly he has been there for me and has shown and proven to be a most treassured best friend - EVER - and I am very thankful for that!

Anonymous said...

Hi Billy (I can't get myself to call you William, we grew up since hana bada dayz and you'll always be Billy to me LOL)

I could just imagine myself on that rooftop in NYC doing yoga and experiencing it. I walk in the early mornings with my dogs and we go to the marina and catch the sunrise. The tranquility of it all is breathtaking especially seeing the birds take off from the water -- so peaceful, so serene. May you always have peace in your life.


Chelle said...

Aloha Billy! Sunset Yoga sounds relaxing. Too bad we don't have any here.